Our Impact in 2023

Dear Friends,
We are grateful for all your support and are excited to share with you the life-saving impact of your investments in Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee.
In 2023, we saw and continue to see rising needs for food due to the high cost of living. As the Sarasota-Manatee areas continue to have some of the highest housing prices in the nation, we have heard firsthand from families just how tough it is to make ends meet. We are so appreciative of those who have given their time, their talent, and their treasure to help us #FeedManatee.
Literally thousands of people in our community have benefited from our PLUS programs: Home-delivered Meals, The Food Bank of Manatee, Daybreak Adult Day Center, and Friendship Dining Center locations. The impact demonstrated in this 2023 report would not be possible without your dedication to our mission.
Thank you for helping to positively shape the lives of babies, children, families, and seniors in Manatee County through your support.
With deep gratitude,
Yours truly,

Maribeth Phillips
President & CEO
Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee

of every dollar goes back into the PLUS programs.

Over 24,000 hours
were served by volunteers to make the mission of Meals on Wheels PLUS come to life in 2023.

Over 1,800 Holiday Shoeboxes
filled with essentials to bring holiday joy were distributed throughout Manatee County.
Home-Delivered Meals

Over 278,000 meals
were served to homebound and disabled residents in 2023.

Nearly 63,300 pounds of fresh produce
were distributed through our Produce on Wheels Program and Mobile Produce Pantry in 2023.

Over 17,000 phone calls
were made in 2021 to check on the wellbeing of our clients through our Telephone Reassurance Program.

An average of 120 clients
each month also received pet food for their furry companions in 2023.

Average of 91 routes
utilized by volunteers to deliver meals to homebound and disabled residents across Manatee County.
The Food Bank of Manatee
Your local food bank relies 100% on the support of the community to meet the rising needs in Manatee County.

Nearly 3,422,000 pounds of food distributed.

Over 145,000 meals
provided to Manatee County families in need through Food4Families and Holiday Meal distributions.

Over 140,000 pounds of food
provided for hurricane relief in 2022.

Over 2,300 emergency baby baskets
containing diapers, formula, and wipes were provided to Manatee County residents.

Over 95 partner agencies
each month in 2023, all who rely on the food they receive from The Food Bank of Manatee to help their clients and run their programs.

Developed partnerships across Manatee County
including outreach in Rubonia, Myakka City, and Oneco, to help feed food-insecure families.
Senior Congregate Programs
Daybreak Adult Day Center provides a safe, secure environment with social, recreational, and therapeutic activities designed to meet the needs of older adults who live at home with a loved one but cannot be left alone while their caregiver works or attends to other responsibilities.
The Friendship Dining Program is for people over 60 who would like to make new friends, participate in fun activities, and hear from local experts on a variety of topics as well as enjoy a nutritious meal.

Over 80 Seniors
were provided nutrition and therapeutic activities in both our full-day and half-day social and congregate meal programs.